the red page coming soon
What the heck is this?
This is the landing page for an upcoming site to share my short stories as I write them. Hopefully. I'm a busy college student.
Update 1:
To put more information on here, since the page is fairly empty at this
point, I guess I should elaborate on what I mean by “short stories.” Over
the past five or so years, I have been mulling over some ideas for stories
that I would like to write. None of them have titles at this point, so
let’s call them Untitled 1, 2, and 3. There is also an idea for a novel that
I have been really itching to write since even before then.
Originally, I was going to write them in this order, but I decided on
pushing Untitled 1 back and have 2 be created first. The reasoning for this
is that Untitled 1 is rooted in a culture that I can’t claim to fully understand,
and the last thing I would want to do is get something horribly wrong.
I would rather make sure it’s done right, even if I thought it would make
sense to be made first. All three stories will be tied loosely together in
some ways and build thematically to the novel… in the hypothetical world in
which everything goes to plan.
A major issue I deal with anything creatively is drive. I spend a lot of
time daily on schoolwork which leaves me in a state where, once I’m done
with the day’s work, I don’t have the energy to go and do something
creative. It’s silly and something I need to overcome.
The semester is winding down in a couple of weeks, and I hope I’ll have the
energy and appetite for writing when it is over. I hope you'll all like what I have to make.